N.S.O.C. Stage 3

Sewing It Up! There Can Be Only One!

2023-2024 Nos Somos Os Campeoes Finals Champion: TBD
Match 1 - GW 32
A #1 - -
B #4 - -Match 5 - GW 33
Match 2 - GW 32TBD-
B #2 - -
A #3 - -Match 7 - GW 36
TBD-2024-2025 NSOC Winner
Match 3 - GW 32TBD-TBD
A #2 - -
B # 3 - -Match 6 - GW 33
Match 4 - GW 32TBD-
B #1 - -
A #4 - -

Things To Know About Nos Somos OS Campeoes Stage 3.

Stage 3>> Sewing it Up!.... >> This is the Knockout Stage
The Participants>> The top {8} teams from Stage 2 will compete.... >>Teams are seeded based on their final standing in Stage 2
Tie Breakers>> {1} Goals scored.... >> {2} Assists.... >> {3} Shots on target.... >> {4} Key passes.... >> {5} Accurate Crosses.... >> {6} Interceptions
Special Note: If you qualify through your league, survive Stages 1 & 2, then win it all......You are one Baaaaad Mutha AKA Nos Somos Os Campeoes Champion!!!!