N.S.O.C. Stage 1 Archive

TeamsGW 3 ScoresTeams
G1-1 Hatem's Wildcards91.680.3G2-1 Pine Bush Mountaineers
G1-2 We're No Angels57.690.9G2-2 Spring Lake Lakers
G1-3 Bayo's Back in Town62.972.7G2-3 Westside Warriors
G1-4 Bruno is A Man!87.2107.7G3-1 Rush-Henrietta
G1-5 Crouching Eidur7376G3-2 St. Elizabeth Panthers
G1-6 The Hounds of Hellström102.4134.6G3-3 Ross Royals
G2-4 Bayrampasa Anatolian91.370.6G3-4 Pleasant Street FC
G2-5 Appleton East Patriots 3877.3G3-5 Richmond Blue Devils
G2-6 Prairie Seals61.783.6G3-6 Kimball Knights
TeamsGW 4 ScoresTeams
G1-1 Hatem's Wildcards71.877.8G2-2 Spring Lake Lakers
G1-2 We're No Angels51.176.8G2-3 Westside Warriors
G1-3 Bayo's Back in Town95.155.8G2-1 Pine Bush Mountaineers
G1-4 Bruno is A Man!98.769.1G3-2 St. Elizabeth Panthers
G1-5 Crouching Eidur102.978.4G3-3 Ross Royals
G1-6 The Hounds of Hellström88.3121.8G3-1 Rush Henrietta
G2-4 Bayrampasa Anatolian87.2105G3-6 Kimball Knights
G2-5 Appleton East Patriots116.882.2G3-4 Pleasant Street FC
G2-6 Prairie Seals72.980.2G3-5 Richmond Blue Devils
TeamsGW 5 ScoresTeams
G1-1 Hatem's Wildcards110.9111.1G2-3 Westside Warriors
G1-2 We're No Angels52.989.4G2-1 Pine Bush Mountaineers
G1-3 Bayo's Back in Town93.491.8G2-2 Spring Lake Lakers
G1-4 Bruno is A Man!103.9105G3-3 Ross Royals
G1-5 Crouching Eidur133.7109.5G3-1 Rush-Henrietta
G1-6 The Hounds of Hellström117.3104.3G3-2 St. Elizabeth Panthers
G2-4 Bayrampasa Anatolian110.599.4G3-5 Richmond Blue Devils
G2-5 Appleton East Patriots69.388.9G3-6 Kimball Knights
G2-6 Prairie Seals96.687.5G3-4 Pleasant Street FC
TeamsGW 6 ScoresTeams
G1-1 Hatem's Wildcards113.851.4G3-4 Pleasant Street FC
G1-2 We're No Angels61.596.1G3-5 Richmond Blue Devils
G1-3 Bayo's Back in Town95.554.9G3-6 Kimball Knights
G1-4 Bruno is A Man!146.340.5G2-1 Pine Bush Mountaineers
G1-5 Crouching Eidur8173.8G2-2 Spring Lake Lakers
G1-6 The Hounds of Hellström109.556G2-3 Westside Warriors
G2-4 Bayrampasa Anatolian99.5131.1G3-1 Rush-Henrietta
G2-5 Appleton East Patriots106.3122.9G3-2 St. Elizabeth Panthers
G2-6 Prairie Seals74.989.8G3-3 Ross Royals
TeamsGW 7 ScoresTeams
G1-1 Hatem's Wildcards113.4112.3G3-6 Kimball Knights
G1-2 We're No Angels64.171.5G3-4 Pleasant Street FC
G1-3 Bayo's Back in Town9796.2G3-5 Richmond Blue Devils
G1-4 Bruno is A Man!103.8112G2-2 Spring Lake Lakers
G1-5 Crouching Eidur84.762.8G2-3 Westside Warriors
G1-6 The Hounds of Hellström83.8102.5G2-1 Pine Bush Mountaineers
G2-4 Bayrampasa Anatolian88.492.7G3-2 St. Elizabeth Panthers
G2-5 Appleton East Patriots90.582.1G3-3 Ross Royals
G2-6 Prairie Seals86.3107.9G3-1 Rush-Henrietta
TeamsGW 8 ScoresTeams
G1-1 Hatem's Wildcards90.479G3-5 Richmond Blue Devils
G1-2 We're No Angels63.467.1G3-6 Kimball Knights
G1-3 Bayo's Back in Town83.269G3-4 Pleasant Street FC
G1-4 Bruno is A Man!89.470.3G2-3 Westside Warriors
G1-5 Crouching Eidur80.375.6G2-1 Pine Bush Mountaineers
G1-6 The Hounds of Hellström89.2121.3G2-2 Spring Lake Lakers
G2-4 Bayrampasa Anatolian95.688G3-3 Ross Royals
G2-5 Appleton East Patriots107.466.8G3-1 Rush-Henrietta
G2-6 Prairie Seals84.164.6G3-2 St. Elizabeth Panthers
TeamsGW 10 ScoresTeams
G1-1 Hatem's Wildcards93.660.8G2-4 Bayrampasa Anatolian
G1-2 We're No Angels48.368.9G2-5 Appleton East Patriots
G1-3 Bayo's Back in Town99.767.4G2-6 Prairie Seals
G1-4 Bruno is A Man!7679.9G3-4 Pleasant Street FC
G1-5 Crouching Eidur125.185.4G3-5 Richmond Blue Devils
G1-6 The Hounds of Hellström114.180.6G3-6 Kimball Knights
G2-1 Pine Bush Mountaineers68.173.4G3-1 Rush-Henrietta
G2-2 Spring Lake Lakers68.4121.9G3-2 St. Elizabeth Panthers
G2-3 Westside Warriors79.599.7G3-3 Ross Royals
TeamsGW 11 ScoresTeams
G1-1 Hatem's Wildcards68.380.8G2-5 Appleton East Patriots
G1-2 We're No Angels55.8105.1G2-6 Prairie Seals
G1-3 Bayo's Back in Town100.166.4G2-4 Bayrampasa Anatolian
G1-4 Bruno is A Man!10984.1G3-6 Kimball Knights
G1-5 Crouching Eidur118.492.3G3-4 Pleasant Street FC
G1-6 The Hounds of Hellström79.798.3G3-5 Richmond Blue Devils
G2-1 Pine Bush Mountaineers109.688.2G3-2 St. Elizabeth Panthers
G2-2 Spring Lake Lakers33.271.2G3-3 Ross Royals
G2-3 Westside Warriors70.399.6G3-1 Rush-Henrietta
TeamsGW 12 ScoresTeams
G1-1 Hatem's Wildcards99.846G2-6 Prairie Seals
G1-2 We're No Angels48.3114G2-4 Bayrampasa Anatolian
G1-3 Bayo's Back in Town44.350G2-5 Appleton East Patriots
G1-4 Bruno is A Man!102.642.3G3-5 Richmond Blue Devils
G1-5 Crouching Eidur108.1115.8G3-6 Kimball Knights
G1-6 The Hounds of Hellström9395.4G3-4 Pleasant Street FC
G2-1 Pine Bush Mountaineers86.178.7G3-3 Ross Royals
G2-2 Spring Lake Lakers7189.5G3-1 Rush-Henrietta
G2-3 Westside Warriors131.1124.5G3-2 St. Elizabeth Panthers
TeamsGW 13 ScoresTeams
G1-1 Hatem's Wildcards55.2125.2G3-1 Rush-Henrietta
G1-2 We're No Angels30.4103.8G3-2 St. Elizabeth Panthers
G1-3 Bayo's Back in Town70.657.3G3-3 Ross Royals
G1-4 Bruno is A Man!109.885.2G2-4 Bayrampasa Anatolian
G1-5 Crouching Eidur83.485.7G2-5 Appleton East Patriots
G1-6 The Hounds of Hellström88.186.4G2-6 Prairie Seals
G2-1 Pine Bush Mountaineers60.270.6G3-4 Pleasant Street FC
G2-2 Spring Lake Lakers67.677.5G3-5 Richmond Blue Devils'
G2-3 Westside Warriors68.963.5G3-6 Kimball Knights
TeamsGW 14 ScoresTeams
G1-1 Hatem's Wildcards98.497.4G3-2 St. Elizabeth Panthers
G1-2 We're No Angels85.683G3-3 Ross Royals
G1-3 Bayo's Back in Town107.894G3-1 Rush-Henrietta
G1-4 Bruno is A Man!66.864.2G2-5 Appleton East Patriots
G1-5 Crouching Eidur112.469.7G2-6 Prairie Seals
G1-6 The Hounds of Hellström69.7101.8G2-4 Bayrampasa Anatolian
G2-1 Pine Bush Mountaineers87.8108.7G3-6 Kimball Knights
G2-2 Spring Lake Lakers73.9110.8G3-4 Pleasant Street FC
G2-3 Westside Warriors51.399.8G3-5 Richmond Blue Devils
TeamsGW 16 ScoresTeams
G1-1 Hatem's Wildcards94.785..2G3-3 Ross Royals
G1-2 We're No Angels98.384.4G3-1 Rush-Henrietta
G1-3 Bayo's Back in Town77.975.8G3-2 St. Elizabeth Panthers
G1-4 Bruno is A Man!61.673G2-6 Prairie Seals
G1-5 Crouching Eidur111.2114.3G2-4 Bayrampasa Anatolian
G1-6 The Hounds of Hellström6467.8G2-5 Appleton East Patriots
G2-1 Pine Bush Mountaineers112.162.8G3-5 Richmond Blue Devils
G2-2 Spring Lake Lakers111.2117.2G3-6 Kimball Knights
G2-3 Westside Warriors76.672G3-4 Pleasant Street FC